
Garden Update June 27

The garden does well and then the next week it's not. My potted zucchini that were taking off are now turning shriveled up and yellow. And the squash had lots of blooms that died and they're starting to turn yellow too. Any ideas? I think the garden needed some water but we were gone this weekend. However, it's storming pretty good right now so it's getting plenty at the moment!


Lima beans...have some bean pods but they're hard to see.

Carrots...not sure when to pick these but some are getting close.

Strawberries...starting to get some more berries on them.

Our watermelon. We have three or four others besides these are more blooms!

Corn...we hand fertilized this week.


  1. Sorry to hear about your zuchinni plants. Mine have been acting kind of funny too and I dont' know why. I have only harvested one zuchinni so far, and I don't knwo if I'll get too many more. Glad to see your corn is tasseling!

  2. Wow, your corn and melons look wonderful! I just had to put more seed in... obviously you aren't in the Pacific Northwest:) Keep up the good work...

    by way of Jami's garden party

  3. Wonderful vegetable garden. Mine is much smaller (I don't have much space). Growing your own food is so much fun (and work too). My mom has a big vegetable garden, and I am so jealous of her homegrown and organic veggies.
    Have a nice day!

  4. those melons look great! Still waiting on mine to set fruit.

  5. I wish I had input for you for your squash. Your melons and corn look great. Do you get excited about the little bean pods like I do?

    Followed your blog from TGP

  6. At least you've got some good successes. :-) I've read that squash shriveling up and falling off are related to lack of pollination. So maybe more to pollinate by hand? Thanks for sharing at the TGP!
